Tools and Tips for Your Healing Journey
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters
compared to what lies within us.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
How to Get Unstuck and Move Forward: Motivational Interviewing
Change is hard. Motivational Interviewing is a process that aligns with your own inner wisdom and desire for change in order to take those steps.
The Gottman Method for Couples Counseling: How to Enhance Friendship, Manage Conflict, and Create Shared Meaning Within Your Relationship
If you are looking for the skills and support to improve your relationship, The Gottman Method is an evidence-based couples counseling approach that has been time tested with decades of research behind it.
Looking for a Way to Relax? Why do We get Stressed and What Can We do About It? There’s Actually a Lot We Can About It! Read To Find Out More.
We all experience stress. That doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to manage it. Deep, belly breathing is a really valuable tool in our arsenal that allows us to kick in the relaxation response. If you could push a button for 30 seconds and feel more relaxed, would you do it? Deep breathing is just that!
EMDR Therapy: Using the Body's Nervous System to Work Through Trauma
EMDR Certified. EMDR is a great therapy treatment to help people work through their trauma and difficult emotions. It works with the body’s nervous system to help move painful, unprocessed memories and experiences into long-term memory where the emotional effect of those experiences are greatly reduced, leading you to feeling more in control of your life and more empowered.
How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Mindfulness and Learning to Quiet The Mind
Mindfulness engages the practice of quieting our minds through various techniques that allow us to be more present and thus more at ease, more at peace, happier, and more joyful. Mindfulness also increases our ability to think clearly and problem solve.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): How to Learn to be Your Own Therapist
CBT is based on the idea that how we think (cognition), how we feel (emotion) and how we act (behavior) all interact together. Specifically, our thoughts and beliefs determine our feelings and behaviors and through the exploration of our thoughts and beliefs, we can begin to feel better. CBT takes a more scientific, reality-based approach to our thoughts and beliefs.

Start Your Journey
Taking the first step is the biggest one. Connect with me today for a free consultation and start changing your life!